Ramses Bravo's Recommended Products for Plant-Based Eating

Many of you ask me about the equipment that I use.  I want to provide you with as many links as I can.  If you don’t see something you are looking for, please contact me at ramses@bravopb.com and I’ll be happy to help.  I have owned all of these products you see below, either currently or at some point in my career.  For certain things like knives and pots and pans, I included a couple of different price points for you.  Again, I have owned all of these at some point, and would not recommend something I don’t like.

Chef’s Knife

Microplane Zester

Chef’s Knife


Serrated Knife


Pairing Knife

Cutting Board

Vitamix 5200

14 Cup Cuisinart

7 Cup Cuisinart

Hand Blender

Non Stick Pans


Stainless Steel Pans


Stainless Steel Pots

Potato Masher

Stainless Steel Pans

Citrus Juicer

Rubber Spatula

Steamer Basket 

Mixing Bowls

Metal Spatula

Slotted Spoon

Small Containers



Medium Containers

1 Pint Measure


Large Containers